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To make running smooth, you need to know some theory about winter running first. If you are going to travel to Canada, make sure you have a few things in memory. The latest UW WRF model forecasts show a weather system going south of us tomorrow night, with rain over Oregon (see 3-h rainfall ending 7 PM Sunday below). We’re going to move onto the foreign models now, and we start that part of this post with the Canadian model. As I close the book on this chapter of my life and move on to a new one, I can’t help but smile. And since the moon will be very close during this eclipse, and thus large, it is also called a super moon. Typically, storms will easily exceed that strength offshore in the Pacific or Atlantic, but close to 990 millibars onshore, while not infrequent, is relatively uncommon. As of now, a strong area of surface vorticity is moving east into Minnesota, where the vorticity values will strengthen. There are some messy clouds in Minnesota, but Wisconsin is currently in the midst of a nice, clear morning, which should help to heat and destabilize the atmosphere further than in Minnesota.

There might be some clear spots over NW Washington and southern BC. Here is the trough that will form over our area around the 20th I have been talking about last several posts.. The last of our foreign models is the European model. It is also worth noting that the Canadian ensembles and European ensembles keep the storm system further to the south. While the European ensembles cancel out a Midwest snowstorm altogether, the Canadian ensembles still throw a swath of accumulating snow at all of the aforementioned cities. During the poignant ceremonies at the star-shaped Mardasson memorial in Bastogne, the current discord between the United States and several European allies over trade and security were never mentioned. Precipitation charts are not available on the European ensembles. Because the NAEFS does not provide precipitation graphics on the website I used to evaluate these ensembles, I looked at the American ensembles for precipitation.

Two ensemble sets, the American ensembles and another set called the North American Ensemble Forecasting System (NAEFS) are showing solutions that are very nearly identical. The Canadian model drops this storm to 998 millibars, suprisingly weaker than the American model. The reason it is so surprising is because its usually the Canadian model over-exaggerating a storm’s strength and not the other way around. I could get way more complex but this is simple enough for now. Before I get into this model, know that it is notorious for being unreliable with storms and should not be trusted easily, no matter how amazing the solution is. It may be thin enough in places to see the moon is being eclipsed. There is a chance those of us near Seattle might see at least part of the eclipse. This allows the individual the advantage of making a pick that just might be the winning pick.

If these storms were to stay as individual cells, the risk of tornadoes would be present across northern portions of the risk area, where the threat is greatest. There is a slight risk of severe weather across the northern Plains and upper Midwest regions into western portions of the Midwest and central Plains. If you are in western Oregon, your chances to see the eclipse are very poor. Most of the simulations show broken clouds over western WA, but some do have have big breaks. Oregon is generally not good for viewing–except for perhaps a break along the coast, but there will be breaks in the clouds over portions of Puget Sound and NW Washington. We will do a model overview today. As you can already tell, the chances of figuring out a track for this system today are quite low. High content of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and low content of high density lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood. Because of the reddish color, some people call it a blood moon. The first full moon of the season is called a wolf moon, for reason’s you will have to talk to a wolf about. A refrigerator repair service can be called as well.

You conscientious and are usually called ‘chatter box’ as you have got no management on your tongue. Nah. It’s been repeating occurrence all the days i have been playing. All models are forecasting Hour 144 (6 days away), and are showing 500 millibar heights in colors with sea level pressure in contour lines. This model takes the storm into the southern tip of Lake Michigan at a minimum pressure of 992 millibars, considered pretty strong for an onshore storm system. Regardless, the storm system is taken through the Great Lakes, allowing significant snow to bury the Midwest and Great Lakes, upwards of one foot in many states west of Lake Michigan and into the Plains. I can still remember rushing home from school on a daily basis to check the weather models and whip up a new post on an impending winter storm. I can still remember the feverish nights spent during the April 2011 tornado outbreak, posting tornado warnings on this blog, not being able to keep up with all the warnings that kept coming out. As I sit here, writing what will be the final post on The Weather Centre blog, I’m experiencing a wide range of emotions.