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Consider an example. There have been a number of big accident pile ups here in Washington as a heavy convective cell crossed I5 late in the afternoon. Never attempt to go outside because there might be falling debris and sharp or heavy objects that are very dangerous. Traditional clusterers attempt to find a more accurate partition, and then use the central model or the average model of the optimal cluster as the final result. You can search news using google and bing and you will find hundreds of examples of such weather-related multiple car accidents. It has became an all too frequent news item: dozens or hundreds of cars involved in a huge pile up on some freeway or interstate. Dozens injured and several deaths. Vehicle after vehicle crashes into the growing pile up. The driver slams on the breaks when he/she loses visibility and then other vehicles, too close to stop, crash into the first vehicle. Intense road glare when the vehicle exits a rain area into bright sunlight. It seems like we’re at the end of the road here.

It takes a looong time for the road to be cleared in Nepal. The Dankso Rochelle is also black, but is not as open as the Raleigh, and so the Rochelle is great for work time or even for fancy dinners out. Remember that this time period is when the MJO wave is dying out and we expect it to enter that center circle in the phase space diagram, where the MJO is technically too weak to be sorted into a phase. So, what happens in a Phase 1 MJO event in June? On June 5th, per this forecast, the MJO wave is forecasted to reach about the 85º East longitude region. Remember back at the beginning of this post, when I explained that the MJO is an oscillation based on the location of enhanced convection along the Equator? One way to identify the location of enhanced convection to track the MJO is by viewing anomalies in convective activity themselves, as we have done up to this point.

As you might guess by now, green (brown) colors indicate the presence of enhanced (suppressed) convection. Central U.S. The presence of these troughs in the West will maintain predominantly cooler than normal and wetter than normal conditions. Storm systems will continue to be deposited in the Western U.S., which will lead to a ridge to build in the East U.S. There is a basic expectation that climate change will alter the occurrence of some extremes. There are actual market share units listed in the Capstone Courier. Whatever the reason it’s important that you stay vigilant and act quickly when problems with the courier do emerge. The main reason terrifying? Current satellite water vapor imagery indicates that the storm system in question is currently over the waters just offshore the Pacific Northwest. ● V.1 Hourly forecast icons: Current – up to 12 hours ahead, with night icons. For the first several days of June, I expect a continuation of the current pattern.

First and foremost, let’s break down what this chart shows. The application is broken down into four menus: Markets, Currencies, Articles and Watchlist. Therefore, if you’re coming from LA, it’s best off to start down either before the rush hour (maybe 6:30) or to come after the morning rush. This is so that you can get any information involving which trails are closed and which areas are the best for hiking Yellowstone National Park. The NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) conducts annual spring forecasting experiments organized by the Storm Prediction Center and National Severe Storms Laboratory to test and evaluate emerging scientific concepts and technologies for improved analysis and prediction of hazardous mesoscale weather. By now I’ve either put you through a lot of pain reading this, or you’ve gotten a satisfactory fill of technical forecasting for the day. In any event, it’s time to put these pieces together and make the forecast. Although there are many who believe that age and time have nothing to do with the gender that is created, there are numerous couples who would disagree. There is little doubt that there is a strong correlation between overall rates and treasury yields. Additionally, during this forecast period, the MJO will be transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2, which makes it a little messy to use composite images.

The MJO also cast significant influences on many other phenomena in the Earth system. 500 millibar geopotential height anomalies as observed during a Phase 1 MJO event in June. Forecasted 200mb Velocity Potential for 1pm June 5th, using the GFS Ensembles. The GFS ensembles expect the pattern over the Arctic Circle to not vary too much by June 8th, with strong ridging still forecasted over Eurasia into the Arctic Circle, as well as a stout ridge now moving into Canada. This is definitely more concerning, as we are now seeing cities like Houston, Texas and New Orleans, LA under the gun. It happened again yesterday (Thanksgiving morning) on I10 near Beaumont, Texas and was associated with dense fog. A portion of the Thanksgiving morning I10 accident. Additionally, we see some divergence aloft over Africa. Green shading and associated spreading-outwards arrows indicates divergence aloft. Orange shading and associated spreading-inwards arrows indicates convergence aloft, which piles air into the column and suppresses thunderstorm formation. As such, you can think of green shaded regions as being areas where thunderstorm development is encouraged, and brown shaded areas where it is discouraged.